You don’t have to be the most fun person you know to host a great party. Having a good system in place when hosting a large gathering or just a few dinner guests can make or break the experience for not only your company but also yourself. Check out these three quick and easy steps to make sure your gathering goes off without a hitch!
First, make sure to have comfortable seating. Having a place for your family and friends to gather comfortably should always be at the top of the list, especially if the gathering is outdoors. Keep in mind if guests are going to be enjoying food outside the seating needs to be upright. We do not recommend the only form of seating be a chaise lounge chair. Not sure how to make your seating the most comfortable? We recommend adding polyester batting to your custom cushions. Adding this layer of poly-batting will create a plush seating experience for everyone. Read about our comfortable fill types here.
Next, choose a theme. Want to add some spice to your dinner parties? Add a theme to your plans. This makes for the best pictures and memories for years to come! Having trouble coming up with a theme? We recommend letting your imagination run wild when it comes to executing a theme. The possibilities are endless! Having a theme when hosting a party will bring all the elements of your party together. Keeping a unified experience will allow your guests to truly relax all evening long. When it comes to details of the party, we recommend picking a color and sticking to it. Wanting to celebrate a child’s birthday and their favorite color is yellow? Throw a Yellow Party! Make sure to have yellow flowers, yellow food, yellow candy, yellow plates/napkins, and don’t forget the most important of them all- yellow pillows for your chairs and couches. Adding new toss pillows to your living spaces keeps your house new and fresh all year around. Check out our most popular yellow fabrics by Sunbrella here.

Thirdly, match your cocktails to the theme of the party. A great cocktail is the sign of a great party. When hosting a gathering we recommend having a mixture of liquors, wines, beers, non-alcoholic beverages, and mixers on hand. This shows that you have anticipated your guests needs before they even have to ask. Worried about your list of drinks spilling on your comfortable seating? Our custom cushions and custom pillows are handmade to handle the mess. While Cushion Pros does not endorse machine washing our product, we do recommend spot clean only. The Sunbrella fabrics we carry are stain resistant and can be cleaned with a mild detergent. Read more on how to clean our handmade, custom products here!
These three simple ideas will help you master the art of entertaining in your own home. The smallest details will silently notify your guests how much you care and appreciate them. Ready to start hosting your own themed party with comfortable seating and a great cocktail? Click here!